Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
The University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is strongly involved in the field of High Performance Computing through various research laboratories and industrial projects. The HPCNet team, first known as ARPA is part of the CNRS laboratory called PRiSM (Parallélisme Réseaux Systèmes et Modélisation); since the nineteen nineties, it is a specialist in the field of very HPC architectures, performance evaluation and optimisation tools, intensive numerical computation and advanced communication architectures.
Role in TREX
UVSQ will be in charge of assessing and optimizing the performance and numerical accuracy of the codes developed in the context of the project. Quality-control measures ensuring the continuous performance of the code execution and the validity, reproducibility and portability of the code results will be established (WP1). UVSQ will also explore and exploit mixed precision representations for data storage, communication, and computation in the QMCkl library (WP1,WP3) and in the I/O library (WP2). UVSQ performance and numerical analysis tools will be enhanced during the course of the project to take into account the specificities of the codes and architectures involved. UVSQ will also be involved in the dissemination of the results obtained in the course of the project through workshops and academic seminars.
Relevant infrastructures and facilities
In 2004, a joint research laboratory between UVSQ and CEA DAM was created, called LRC-ITACA, specialised in code optimisation and performance evaluation. This structure has been involved in many national, European and international research projects. In 2009, CEA, GENCI, Intel and UVSQ together founded the Exascale Computing Research (ECR) laboratory. The objective was to anticipate the challenges of future HPC architectures. ECR is operational since March 2010.