Slovenská akadémia vied

Slovenská akadémia vied

Slovenská akadémia vied (Slovak Academy of Sciences) is a prestigious scientific institution in Slovakia. Established to promote and advance scientific research, the academy plays a vital role in various disciplines such as natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and engineering. Through its extensive network of researchers and scholars, the academy fosters innovation, collaboration, and the dissemination of knowledge. With a commitment to excellence, the Slovenská akadémia vied continues to contribute significantly to the scientific community and the development of Slovakia.

People at TREX

Meet the people at TREX, federating the key European experts in the field of high-accuracy quantum mechanical (primarily, quantum Monte Carlo) simulations.

Ivan Stich

Ivan Stich

WP6 Leader
Professor of Physics

Jan Brndiar

Jan Brndiar

Research Scientist

Yongda Huang

Yongda Huang

Post doctor