TREX Testimonial Spotlight

Luchon Winter School of the Erasmus Mundus held a training event from 25th of January to 8th of February 2021. The event features the TREX project (Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy at the Exascale) in the field of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling.
The École des Sciences Avancées de Luchon aims to promote the development of advanced sciences and to enhance interdisciplinary exchange between different sciences. It also aims to bring the modern scientific achievements to students and young researchers organizing schools and workshops in summer and winter.
Industry and academia throughout the world is suffering from a severe shortage of skilled personnel able to bridge the gap between the dynamic environments in IT and research/science.
TREX training and education is mainly intended for practitioners, as well as HPC developers in materials science simulations, but also has a strong educational component. Its activities consist of several hands-on workshops for code users and developers, hackathons, and a final school.
These events create new opportunities to facilitate the sharing of ideas among communities in different computational disciplines in molecular and materials science. Importantly, TREX events not only focus on the domain-specific software of TREX but also on how it is integrated on (pre)exascale architectures with the most advanced developments, for example, machine learning and data analytics.
Thus, we launched a testimonial series to give voice to the people who concretely benefit from the TREX training/education.
Read more about the testimonials and join our growing community.