Psi-k 2022 Conference
Psi-k 2022 Conference
The conference was the 6th general conference for the worldwide Psi-k community, following very successful events held in San Sebastian (2015), Berlin (2010), and Schwäbisch Gmünd (2005, 2000, 1996).
This major conference – the largest worldwide in electronic structure – brings together the community that is active in the field, as described by the Psi-k mission statement: "... to develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions. Theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics form its scientific core. Applications encompass inorganic, organic and bio-materials, and cover a whole range of diverse scientific, engineering, and industrial endeavours."
The conference program was structured around 3.5 days, which included 6 plenary talks as well as 38 symposia in 6 parallel sessions (115 invited talks and ~250 contributed talks).
With more than 1000 participants attending the past editions, it promises to be the most exciting, defining event in the field, offering an intense but enjoyable atmosphere, in addition to a chance to explore the beautiful region around Lausanne and Lake Geneva.
For more details visit Psi-k 2022 Conference
TREX presentations at the Psi-k 2022:
- Sandro’s legacy: 3 generations of scientists (Download) - Matteo Calandra, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Italy
- Sandro's contribution to ab initio calculations (Download) - Michele Casula, CNRS and Sorbonne University, Paris, France
- Memory of our daily research and the TurboRVB family of codes (Download) - Kosuke Nakano, SISSA, Condensed matter theory group, JSPS overseas fellow JAIST, School of Information Science, Assistant Professor
- Sandro Sorella: Two of his Gems (Download) - Giuseppe Carleo, Computational Quantum Science Lab Institute of Physics, EPFL - Lausanne - Switzerland
TREX posters:
- TurboGenius: A python suite for implementing workflows with ab initio quantum Monte Carlo code "TurboRVB" - Author: Kosuke Nakano, SISSA, JAIST
- Championing stochastic electronic structure methods with CHAMP - Authors: Ravindra Shinde; Edgar Landinez; Stuart Shepard; Alice Cuzzocrea; Anthony Scemama; Claudia Filippi
- Leveraging stochastic electronic structure methods at the exascale - Authors: Edgar Landinez Borda; Gianfranco Abrusci; Ali Alavi; Vijay Gopal Chilkuri; François Coppens; Claudia Filippi; A. Delval; Michal Hapka; M. Hoffer; William Jalby; Pablo Lopez Rios; Kosuke Nakano; Pablo de Oliveira Castro; R. Panades; Kasia Pernal; Evgeny Posenitskiy; Ravindra Shinde; Adam Sokół; Sandro Sorella; Anthony Scemama