Claudia Filippi

Claudia Filippi is full professor and head of the Computational Chemical Physics group within the Faculty of Science and Technology at the UT. She is internationally recognized as leader in the methodology and software development of QMC techniques, as reported in international peer reviewed journals, and many invited talks (h-index 36 and more than 4500 citations, Google Scholar, November 2019). Filippi has been a PI in several national research and training programs; organizer of many international conferences, workshops, and training schools (mainly on quantum Monte Carlo methods); board member of the Chemistry Study Group “Spectroscopy and Theory” of the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO-CW); board member of the Psi-k European Network on “Ab initio Calculations of Complex Processes in Materials”; management committee member in the COST action CM1002 on “Convergent Distributed Environment for Computational Spectroscopy”.
She is currently a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe); member of the Computational Science Advisory Board of the Lorentz Center, International Center for Workshops in Science, the Netherlands; member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the (bi-yearly) International Workshop Series on “Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods” at the ICTP in Trieste, Italy.
Role in TREX project: TREX Project Coordinator