
Want to learn more about TREX? On this page, you can find our archive of informative publication materials: reports, deliverables, presentations and articles from experts within the TREX community speaking about various TREX related topics. All the public materials published by TREX partners are available on the TREX Zenodo Community.


TREX Symposium: Bridging Quantum Monte Carlo and High-Performance Simulations

Filippi, Claudia; Scemama, Anthony; Casula, Michele; Rupp, Matthias; Alavi, Ali; Jalby, William; Auweter, Axel; Hapka, Michał; Stich, Ivan; Nakano, Kosuke

The TREX Center of Excellence in Exascale Computing organises the "Bridging Quantum Monte Carlo and High-Performance Simulations" Symposium, took place from February 5 to 9, 2024, in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. ...Read more
191 Views341 Downloads

QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop 20-23 June 2022 Presentations

Filippi, Claudia; Ravindra, Shinde; Scemama, Anthony; Chilkuri, Vijay Gopal; Nakano, Kosuke

The QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop was held from 20 to 23 June 2022.  The video recording of the event is available here.  Hands-on tutorials are available on the following links: ...Read more
292 Views166 Downloads

QMCkl: A Unified Approach to Accelerating Quantum Monte Carlo Codes

Scemama, Anthony

113 Views80 Downloads

The TREXIO file format and library

Scemama, Anthony

Within the "Targeting REal chemical accuracy at the eXascale" (TREX) European center of excellence, we are building a file format and library to help inter-operability between quantum chemistry codes, and also to help the reproducibility of calculations. This is a tedious task because the codes have different conventions such as the normalization of the basis, the ordering of atomic orbitals, the phase factors in the CI coefficients, etc... We propose a file format in which these conventions are well defined, ...Read more
81 Views40 Downloads

Dispersion interactions in exciton-localised states. Theory and applications to π − π* and n − π* excited states.

Michał Hapka; Katarzyna Pernal

Presentation on dispersion interactions in exciton-localized states given at the OpenMolcas developers' workshop, June 2022. ...Read more
29 Views17 Downloads

Optimization of Jastrow factors for Similarity Transformed quantum chemical methods

Pablo Lopez Rios; Philip Haupt; Ali Alavi

Presentation on "Optimization of Jastrow factors for Similarity Transformed quantum chemical methods" for the OpenMolcas developers' workshop 2022. ...Read more
100 Views52 Downloads

The TREXIO file format and library

Anthony Scemama

Within the "Targeting REal chemical accuracy at the eXascale" (TREX) European center of excellence, we are building a file format and library to help inter-operability between quantum chemistry codes, and also to help the reproducibility of calculations. This is a tedious task because the codes have different conventions such as the normalization of the basis, the ordering of atomic orbitals, the phase factors in the CI coefficients, etc... ...Read more
134 Views96 Downloads

Diffusion Monte Carlo with range-separated DFT/CIPSI trial wave functions

Scemama, Anthony; Giner, Emmanuel; Benali, Anouar; Loos, Pierre-Francois; Caffarel, Michel

Range-separated DFT was implemented within selected configuration interaction (sCI).[1] The PBE density functional is used for the short-range correlation, and CIPSI is used for the long-range. The introduction of DFT for short range correlation has multiple benefits for QMC simulations. First, it reduces significantly the size of the CI expansion by several orders of magnitude. Secondly, it mimics the effect of a short-range correlation factor such as the Jastrow factor used in QMC simulations, leading to a significant improvement of the nodal surfaces, and energy differences. ...Read more
68 Views62 Downloads

QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop 20-23 July 2022 Presentations

Filippi, Claudia; Ravindra, Shinde; Scemama, Anthony; Chilkuri, Vijay Gopal; Nakano, Kosuke

Thee QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop was held from 20 to 23 July 2022.  The video recording of the event is avaialable here.  Hands-on tutorials are available on the following links: ...Read more
49 Views19 Downloads

TREX : an innovative view of HPC usage applied to Quantum Monte Carlo simulations

Scemama, Anthony; de Oliveira Castro, Pablo; Valensi, Cedric; Jalby, William

    TREX : an innovative view of HPC usage applied to Quantum Monte Carlo simulations                                                                                                          ...Read more
124 Views117 Downloads