Insights and Experiences: A Recap of the TREX Workshop on Code Tuning for the Exascale
The TREX Workshop: Code Tuning for the Exascale was held from 05-07 June 2023 at the Slovak Academy of Sciences campus in Bratislava, Slovakia. The workshop aimed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of code and platform tuning, with a specific focus on parallel programming paradigms (MPI, OpenMP), code optimisation evaluation using the MAQAO framework, and efficient platform utilisation, including energy efficiency. This event was jointly organised by the TREX project and the Austrian, Czech and Slovak National Competence Centres for HPC.
The workshop incorporated a well-balanced blend of informative lectures, interactive tutorials, and engaging hands-on sessions. The workshop successfully managed to mix together practical insights, featuring captivating presentations on HPC hardware and software utilities for optimising supercomputing performance. Furthermore, the workshop fostered a unique environment that encouraged participants to exchange experiences with colleagues and HPC networks, further enriching their understanding of the field.
I found both the lectures and hands-on sessions to be enlightening, and the format used was very convenient.
I greatly appreciated the topics covered and the hands-on presentations on HPC hardware and software utilities for optimising supercomputing performance. Additionally, the opportunity to discuss experiences with colleagues and HPC networks was invaluable.
The friendly and interactive nature of the hands-on sessions made the learning experience enjoyable and rewarding.
The sessions covered a wide range of topics, allowing participants to explore parallel programming paradigms, evaluate code optimisation techniques, and enhance their understanding of platform utilisation and energy efficiency. Participants had the opportunity to actively engage with the TREX CHAMP code and the MAQAO framework as an indispensable tool for code optimisation, gaining practical experience in code tuning.
The workshop provided me with valuable practical insights and allowed me to witness the latest developments in the field.
The presentations on the last day of the workshop were particularly impressive, offering in-depth knowledge on advanced topics.
The MAQAO framework stood out as a highly useful tool for code optimisation, and I appreciated the focus given to it during the workshop.
The workshop was more than just an informative event. It served as a catalyst for skills development and training in the realm of High-Performance Computing. The workshop successfully nurtured a dynamic learning environment, providing participants with not only theoretical knowledge but also invaluable practical insights.
Explore workshop highlights and download presentations here! Unleash the power of code tuning for the Exascale with expert insights and cutting-edge techniques. Click now!
See you at the next TREX event!