
Want to learn more about TREX? On this page, you can find our archive of informative publication materials: reports, deliverables, presentations and articles from experts within the TREX community speaking about various TREX related topics. All the public materials published by TREX partners are available on the TREX Zenodo Community.


TREX featured at the ETP4HPC Handbook 2021

  The 2021 edition of the ETP4HPC Handbook of HPC projects is available. This 2021 issue is bigger than ever, listing 68 ongoing projects (and 34 more finalised projects are referenced). This Handbook aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all projects in the HPC arena and will help you navigate the complex European HPC landscape. ...Read more
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TREX QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop: Post Event Report

The QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop saw 21 PhD and Masters students from Europe and beyond get a unique insight into the world of QMC and meet some of the world’s leading experts in the field. ...Read more
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A new generation of HPC developers using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods is growing

Outcomes of the first TREX e-School on Quantum Monte Carlo with TurboRVB Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods have never been so appealing according to the engagement rate of the first edition of the TREX e-School on Quantum Monte Carlo. ...Read more
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